Tuesday, December 30, 2014

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”


Well I'm doing it! I am going to see juicing through 28 days to heal my body! I have struggled for years with terrible acne, allergies and food addiction that has lead to a lot of weight gain! I also struggle with depression after the birth of my children. 

I love juicing and I have lost 25 pounds doing it. I love the way I feel and how juicing is my medicine most days! I have seen improvements in my acne during different times I have gone 5 or 7 days only consuming fresh fruit and vegetable juice, but slowly stress creeps in and I seem to go into the same food addictions as before. Then my acne returns and the weight starts to go on again. Although not as severe as before, I start to incorporate juicing more in my routine again. I can get back on track faster and sooner.  I still have 15 pounds that have stayed around, I get depressed mostly in the winter and my acne is so severe sometimes, it consumes my life and I loose my confidence!

I saw the Super Juice Me documentary by Jason Vale and I was blown away with the results of the healing that took place by people living on fresh juice for 28 days! So for the past 6 months, I really thought about doing this. I want to see how I can reduce or even eliminate my acne, severe hay-fever and my weight issues.

With food addiction, I am always feeling like I am depriving myself of something rather than I GET to nourish my body by eating. When I juice, I truly feel I CAN have anything I want, I just don't WANT it. But I have never gone long enough to really heal my body and starve the junky food terrorist to death. What I realize is that I use food as the exact thing to create more stress in my body than to heal it. I heard it explained once this way.....If you have been wearing ski boots all day, what is going to feel the best at the end of a day of skiing? To take them OFF! So normally after a stressful day I think that to make myself feel better, I should eat a PAN (I'm not kidding) of brownies! That is the exact thing that stresses my body out! Not to put those boots on and walk around the house for a few more hours! I have become like a drug addict that to get that high again I have to consume the very thing that made me have that low of low's in the first place. And that my one reader- is why I need to change...again! I hope that makes sense. 

So I'm going to do it! Prepare to be amazed! Actually I am preparing so that I can be amazed to be honest! Here's to you making and living your true life and accomplishing hard things that you never thought possible! See you in 2015!


  1. You are so awesome! Glad you're writing - Love reading your stuff! Journaling is such a powerful tool!

    1. Thank you! My one reader is revealed!!😘
