Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Well I have one week of Super Juicing under my belt. The longest amount of time I have juiced is 7 days. My acne is improving and I have more energy, especially when I exercise! The first 3 or 4 days I was more tired and I tried to take a nap on those days. I have been drinking 2-3 Liters of water as well so I haven't had any headaches like I have had in the past. The greatest thing is that I have had the energy to exercise everyday!

My husband was gone this last week and I discovered my loneliness combined with taking care of my children has a tremendous impact on my moods. DUH! However, combine that with addictive eating, that is not good for me or anyone! Usually I will hunker down and get pizza, candy, and popcorn and pig out and watch movies while he is gone. This week, I called up my support team! I called my sister and invited myself over for dinner. That helped a lot! Another day I wore his coat because it smelled like him and it sounds crazy, but it helped. I also made dinner and hung out with my kids. At times it has been difficult to cook food for the family, but if I have my juice and drink it during it's not a big deal. Turning to people instead of food or TV for support is key in this journey of health for me.

By day 4 I was feeling lighter! The pizza party at a neighbors house was tough, but I kept thinking, I CAN have anything I want, I just DON'T want that right now. That was a massive mind shift for me and I felt empowered.

Now on Day 7, I feel momentum to keep going and I feel very clear headed! When I wake up, I wake up and I'm not dragging my feet to get the kids ready for the day. I also asked a neighbor if I could exercise with her and that too has motivated me! I just weighed myself today and I have lost 7 pounds!!!! Woohoo! I will post about my juices! There have been only 2 that have not been great. One of them I tweaked a bit and that. was. BAD!!! Happy Juicing!

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